Capital Campaign

Capital Campaign: Horizon Phase

Dawn Mountain recently purchased a late 1960’s vintage public library building in Houston. Our goal is to support Tibetan spiritual practices and secular trainings for local, national, and global communities.

With your help we are currently transforming our new home into community and sacred spaces suitable for and trainings in such life-enhancing qualities as awareness, kindness, and presence. We are creating a state-of-the-art center for teaching practicing, training, and broadcasting long into the future.

The initial part of the Capital Campaign to raise funds to purchase this building, called the Bedrock Phase, was a huge success – we raised over $460,000. Thank you to the Dawn Mountain sangha for your generosity! But much work remains to be done, both in preparing our newly acquired building for move in and continuing to serve our worldwide sangha in all aspects of operations. We are now in the second phase of the Horizon Phase, in which we are focusing on further building our fundraising infrastructure and identifying additional sources of support.

Practicing Buddhism
Our founders, Lama Rigzin Drolma (Anne C. Klein, PhD, Professor, Rice University) and Lama Namgyal Dorje (Harvey B. Aronson, PhD, therapist in private practice) have more than 100 years of combined experience teaching and practicing Buddhism.
Capital Horizon Graphic
Through the grace of their root teachers Ad.zom Paylo Rinpoche and the late Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche and others, they are authorized to share long-held as well as recently revealed Dzogchen teachings, especially from the Longchen Nyinthig and related Tibetan lineages. Anne and Harvey engage regularly with their own teachers in Asia – translating, writing and publishing materials in service of lineage practices, especially connected with Nyingma, the most ancient reservoir of Tibetan Buddhism.

Our presence is global. Dawn Mountain offers live teachings in Houston, Texas, and these are also available everywhere online via YouTube and Zoom. We broadcast Teaching Tuesdays and retreats in real time, with interactive opportunities for remote participants, and we convene regular interactive web conferences for committed students.

In a world riven by conflict and uncertainty, many are finding how meditation, and especially cultivation of calm, compassion, generosity and wisdom, can help us to a richer, more stable sense of personal peace, and enable us to better support the happiness of those we love. Dawn Mountain exists to spread these practices everywhere, and in doing so create a healthier and more peaceful world. Join us!

Please donate now to Dawn Mountain’s Horizon Phase Campaign