Teaching Tuesdays

Series of teachings involving mindfulness, buddhist practices and traditions, inclusive of all levels and open to everyone. Teachings are held the first and third Tuesdays of every month, and we have three series a year.

Online and in person at 4803 San Felipe St. Houston Tx 77056

Current Series

From the Heart of Our Lineage: Gems of Living Wisdom

First and third Tuesdays June 4th through August 20th.

The miracle is that everyone who has a body and a mind can directly understand 

  the wisdom of these simple, creatively arrayed practices. —Lama Rigzin Drolma

This summer, we present essential aspects of our rich tradition. Delve into the life stories of revered yogis in our lineage and discover profound teachings that deepen the practice for both novice and experienced practitioners alike.

Join us to explore and practice seldom-shared or previously untranslated gems, revealing how the straightforward exploration of your own body (for example) can illuminate pathways of Dzogchen practice. This mirrors the renowned curriculum pioneered by Shenphen Thaye, mentor to luminaries like Patrul Rinpoche and Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, who in turn taught Adzom Drukpa.

June 4, & 18 and July 2:  Living and Learning the Path with Nathaniel Rich (Sherab Gyatso) and Lama Namgyal Dorje

The genius of Shenphen Thaye, the great Longchen Nyingthik scholar, yogi, and poet who established the curriculum that has shaped every generation of the last 200 years. Experiential focus on the miracle of embodiment as a portal to awakening. 

July 26, August 6 & 20 with Lama Rigzin Drolma, Lama Namgyal Dorje, and Nathaniel Rich (Sherab Gyatso). We explore Patrul Rinpoche’s life and his creative integration of these inherited teachings engaging mantra and sacred imagination.

Upcoming Series

The Promise of Every Moment:  Taking Practice off the Cushion

First and Third Tuesday September 3- December 3, 2024

It’s joyous news when we recognize that every ordinary moment of deep connection to yourself can be a liberating and spiritual moment. And such moments lighten our lives. 

The first installment in our new teaching series for beginning and seasoned practitioners includes practices  linked to the Nine-Fold path to awakening according to the Old Ones’ tradition in Tibet. These practices guide us in exploring our own everyday experience of mind , and body–in other words, the whole of our experience. This brings us greater compassion, contentment, and feelings of connection.

In every class you will receive  a take-away practice that you can do anywhere. 

These classes include newly translated, and new to our western Buddhist communties.  stories and advice related with Shephen Taye  and other lineage teachers.(see below)

This series will continue in 2025.