Dzogchen February 23 Lotus Heart Essence: Liberation Through Hearing

For the first time this weekend we offer “Liberation through Hearing,” the culmination of The Great Compassionate One which Adzom Paylo Rinpoche received in 2012 on Potu Island. In a short discussion of this section that the Dawn Mountain Lamas recently received and studied closely, Rinpoche says that “Liberation through Hearing is so easy people, feel it cannot be.” And yet, it is real for us through this practice. In his remarks, Rinpoche referred to this as “The very heart of the Awareness Holders (Rigzin/Vidyadhara) .” Please join us!

Updated Practice text

Text edit: p.10 first line Hri Unthinged compassion’s form, most dear god

Hosts of thoughts grasping at signs dissolve into the UNTHINGED source realm

bottom of p14 in bold Om Awalokishwara Bendzra (added an h ishwara)

Tsog Text

Pith Practices

Audio Chenrezig

Audio Mark

Audio Jetsunma Om Mani Padme Hung

Audio Laurel

Extra Simplified Audio Laurel


Prayer book

Laminated sheet

I.3.    Precious Treasury of the Dharmadhātu
Just-there expanse, ground for all that is
Empty essence, unceasing nature:
Nothing’s there, yet everything comes forth.
Swirl and peace dawn from the three forms, yet
Move not from the realm, true land of bliss.
དབྱིངས་ལས་མ་གཡོས་ཆོས་ཉིད་བདེ་བའི་ཞིང  Verses p. 3, Treasure Trove p. 13

Giving Dana

Dana is a Sanskrit and Pali word (related to our English “donate”) that connotes the virtue of generosity and giving.