Sustaining the Radiance of Dawn Mountain

On Saturday, October 28, 2023, from 1:30pm to 3:00pm Central Time, we will be having our first Dawn Mountain: Sustaining the Radiance event. This is a free hybrid event for all: students old and new and curious people everywhere to catch up on our latest offerings and celebrate together how Dawn Mountain sustains our lives for the better whether you are a Buddhist practitioner or curious to see how Tibetan Buddhism philosophy and practices can help us cope with the uncertainty of modern day living. 

Lama Rigzin shared her thoughts: Dawn Mountain: Sustaining the Radiance is the flow of support from you all that makes our programs possible, and the programs themselves inspire all who participate in them. These radiant circles sustain each other. This has been the case throughout Buddhist history. As Adzom Rinpoche often reminded us, ” Benefactors and practitioners awaken in one and the same moment.” Many of you are both benefactors and practitioners.  May these shared generosities bring on awakening!

This event is also a fundraiser. You will be asked to consider contributing if you feel so inspired. Our wish is for you to appreciate and acknowledge how Dawn Mountain nourishes us and at the same time give all of us the opportunity to help sustain Dawn Mountain as we continue to promote our values of compassion, community, transformation, and tradition.

We especially encourage those of you that are in the Houston area to attend in person. We will be serving healthy snacks and desserts. It would be a wonderful opportunity to socialize together as we celebrate sustaining and being sustained by Dawn Mountain. 

For those you attend at a distance, through Zoom, we plan to create breakout rooms where you can also socialize for a while during the event. 

As much as anything else, this is an opportunity to get to know and/or be reacquainted with Dawn Mountain and all we have to offer. Let us celebrate together!

The event will take place at Covenant Church Fellowship Hall. Their address is 4949 Caroline St., Houston, TX 77004.

We ask that you register for this event no later than October 20, 2023. This will give us the necessary time to cater for food and organize the Zoom Breakrooms.